Our Mission

As veterans who have honorably served our country, we took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Today, that duty calls us once again—to safeguard the integrity of Idaho’s elections.

We are gravely concerned about the proposed ballot initiative that seeks to replace our current voting system with a Top 4 Primary and Ranked Choice Voting (RCV). Idaho’s elections have long been simple, transparent, and accessible, embodying the principle of "one man, one vote," which is the foundation of our democracy. This initiative threatens to undermine that principle by complicating the voting process and obscuring the clarity of election outcomes.

What’s more, this push for change is being fueled by dark money from out-of-state special interests with little regard for Idaho’s values or its citizens. These outside financial forces are not just a threat to our state, but to the security of our nation as a whole. We must remain vigilant in protecting our elections from those who seek to manipulate our democratic process for their own benefit.

Idaho’s voting system is one that is straightforward, fair, and understandable to all. The proposed changes would introduce a convoluted process that risks disenfranchising voters. We have seen firsthand in other countries how political games can lead to elections that fail to reflect the will of the people, serving instead to keep power in the hands of a select few. We cannot allow this to happen here.

As veterans, we understand the critical importance of safeguarding America's democratic processes. We fought for the rights and freedoms that define our nation, and now we must stand together to protect the integrity of our elections in Idaho.

We urge you to join us in opposing this ballot initiative. Let’s ensure that Idaho’s elections remain secure, fair, and free from outside interference.

If you are a veteran who cares about protecting the integrity of our Republic and election system, you are invited to join us.